Preamble: When I wrote this charter for the creation of the newsgroup back in June 1995, I did not foresee the disruptions and distractions that would come when promoters learned to exploit the Usenet support groups. Promotion comes in many forms, and it has always caused controversy in a group whose essence is the free sharing of personal experiences and advice. Many of the group regulars have actively defended our virtual community by having a standing boycott against unwelcome promotions, filing formal complaints requesting that the promoter's ISP enforce their Acceptable Use Policies, and by protesting publicly. This has triggered chronic debates, accusations, and deception from promoters who refuse to respect the wishes of the group, but the scarcity of repeat offenders indicates that exploitation of our forum is likely to cause a lasting resentment not worth any brief notoriety. Even the non-commercial promotion of questionable pet theories has been consistently disruptive. There are several reasons for that, but suffice to say that personal reports of what has worked are most well received, and any dubious attempts to explain WHY should be presented as speculation rather than fact. It is human nature to invite conjecture, but also to correct any perceived misinformation. Please allow that psoriasis is a complex disease with many different causes that bring about similar symptoms. Thus our group motto: "What works for one person may do nothing for the next." For more group guidelines, please see My hope is that these comments will encourage an inviting and cooperative haven for new arrivals and old flakers alike. -- Ed Anderson _____________________________________________________ Control: newgroup Newsgroups: Subject: booster Approved: is an existing unmoderated newsgroup. A proposal for an improved name and hierarchy (*) was recently discussed in the alt.config group. The proposal has been withdrawn and the consensus is to reinforce this group by reissuing a more proper newgroup message. For your newsgroups file: We've had it with flakes CHARTER: The newsgroup is for the discussion of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Specific topics might include: * Answers to Frequently Asked Questions * Tips for coping with psoriasis * Help in finding an accurate diagnosis * Pointers to research results and other information sources * Discussion of traditional and alternative treatment methods * Info about prevention and risk reduction RATIONALE: Psoriasis is noncontagious disease which afflicts at least 2% of the population. A Gallup poll showed that over 10% of adults think they may have psoriasis. Recent developments in genetic research are bringing us closer to a cure for this chronic autoimmune disease. The phenomenal amount of money that is spent on aggressively marketed skin care products shows how important it is to make accurate information easily available and to provide a forum for discussion. This group is currently being carried by many providers and has given answers to lots of people. It is listed in the summary postings. Folks who have heard of the group but can't subscribe to it have been asking for assistance. EXTRA TIME: The medical information and support hierarchies are extremely valuable and the removal of important postings should not be taken lightly. Please consider allowing longer expiration and FAQ purge times for these relatively low volume groups. For most systems please add the following to your expire.ctl file:*:A:1:20:40*:A:1:20:40*:A:1:20:40 (the format is "hierarchy:Moderated/Unmoderated/All:retain:expire:purge") ____________________________________________________________________________