A Psoriasis Self-Help Info Page

This page is designed to be a starting point for finding information and support for others with this irritating skin condition. It is especially for the benefit of all the supportive people that hang out in the alt.support.skin-diseases.psoriasis newsgroup. I kept a local archive since the group was formed in early '95.

Just when it seems like everything about psoriasis has already been discussed, another avenue of exploration opens up. The distilled wisdom of the group is impressive. Try a search of the newsgroup archives to get quick answers to even infrequently asked questions.

For more general information such as how to access the support groups and some medical search tools, please explore The Skin Page here at pinch.com. I keep another page of shortcuts to general internet Search Tools too.

Rather than a local link list, I maintain a high visibility DMOZ directory of psoriasis sites.

Kim's excellent Psoriasis Newsgroup Resources FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file has brief reviews of helpful sites.

The NIH has an overview of psoriasis that should answer most basic questions about the disease.

One of the most valuable psoriasis resources on the net is the very informative National Psoriasis Foundation site. It started as a volunteer effort by Ed Reiss who created and maintained it until 1999. The NPF is a non-profit organization and membership is available for a donation of any amount. Their monthly bulletin goes out to nearly half a million people and most of their budget goes to public education and research towards a cure. Please support the NPF and be sure to ask about their free educational brochures on just about every aspect of this disease.

Check out Dave's Psoriasis Info for fair and detailed reviews of many psoriasis treatments discussed in the newsgroup. Dave maintains a comprehensive index of psoriasis products and services.

There is now an introductory Guide to the psoriasis support group. Please read it at least once before posting comments or questions to the group. It has an explanation of our customs and taboos.

Also, the PSoriasis Hall of PShame and Skin-Cap FAQ offer critical reviews of some of the less ethical treatments being promoted over the internet.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that can be devastating for some people. Not just physically, but emotionally. At times, the frustrating lack of available treatment can lead to a spiral of despair and hopelessness. One key purpose of the support group is to let people know that they aren't alone in their suffering. We are also helping to raise the awareness of the need for an improved relationship between doctors and patients. The emotional needs of the patient should not be overlooked. An essay on chronic skin disease from a young patient's point of view emphasizes this, along with the author's letter to her doctor.

The [an error occurred while processing this directive] access to his page (since 3/1/97) was at 1833 GMT on Mon, 06/01/09 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Last changed at 0307 GMT on Thu, 08/21/03 by Ed Anderson
If anything here needs an update, please contact:

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