Disease-Specific Searches:The Skin Page
Psoriasis support and self help are the focus of this noncommercial site. Shortcuts to search all the past messages in the skin-diseases newsgroups and other research databases are collected here. Everyone is welcome to contribute to our open forums.
- Explore the Psoriasis Info Page
- Please read this newsgroup guide at least once, before posting
- Discover how to access the newsgroups
- Skin related files that have accumulated here
- General Web Search Tools
- Skinny Help Shortcuts are for giving search pointers in the newsgroup
- Don't miss the Psoriasis Hall of PShame and the Skin-Cap FAQ
Join news:alt.support.skin-diseases ... psoriasis ... vitiligo ... hidradenitis
The following search engines all use different rules, but most of them will return pages that match all the keywords given rather than any. Use multiple words to narrow your search. More words return fewer results. Almost all will accept the * character as a wildcard at the end of a word. Some examples are provided for the tricky combinations:
Disclaimer: (for the AMA) There is absolutely no intent to imply that this site is approved by any of the organizations that are featured here. The search engine shortcuts are provided as a convenience because they are useful. Any link considered by its owner to be inappropriate will be removed by request (no requests so far). Note that any health information found on the net should be viewed with a critical eye and common sense. Some uncensored postings in the open Usenet newsgroups are quite offensive. Filter accordingly. This is a lay volunteer site run as a self-help resource. Rather than trumpeting any site awards, here is an unfiltered selection of reviews and references from other sites. Please, help yourself.
I maintain this site only for the satisfaction of helping others to help themselves.
If anything here needs an update, please contact:
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© 1994-2003 by Ed Anderson
(but no HTML email, thanks)
All UCE senders will be subject to reporting and blacklisting. SEO spammers get special attention!