The Skin Archive has gone offline. Please visit The Skin Page

the Archive (now redirects to Google)
Sorry folks, the newsgroups are still active, but the local archive is offline as of May 1999. This cache of old messages had outlived its usefulness, since all the articles and many more features are (were) available from DejaNews and other archives. The monthly storage fees far exceeded my budget.

This database was created in June 1995 when there were but a handful of people sharing tips. That's four years of messages, totaling about 40,000 just in the psoriasis group. The feeble scripts weren't designed to serve up flame cascades of MIME encoded HTML megaquotes. The honeymoon was over after about two years, but this living fossil just wouldn't die. It's time it be put to rest. I'm glad so many people found it useful. All the other pages and search engine links will remain in place.

-- Ed "there comes a time..." Anderson

April 2001 - Limited (ssslooowww) search ability of the full archive is back via the pinch/skinny page for retrieving old posts to share with others in the newsgroups. Google has also restored many old posts, some going back to 1995.
This news archive is maintained by with Usenet-Web (tweaked)
Access is freely available but please keep usage to a minimum
Please don't use this archive to read current news!

ed.note: The psoriasis newsgroup is so popular that the archive has repeatedly outgrown its disk quota (currently 85Mb compressed), requiring increasing monthly fees. Please encourage everyone to trim quotes to a minimum and turn off any HTML, mime posting, VCARD, and signature features in the new browsers. Write freely, but please keep the fluff to a minimum. It will make the group easier to read for us all. Thanks! -Ed